Reconnecting with Old Friends

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

There comes a time when it's natural for friendships to drift apart. Maybe one person did something, maybe you did something, maybe nobody did anything and it just happened. Maybe you just need a break from each other and space to grow up. The best kind of friendships though, are the ones that come back together like no time has passed.

I have recently reconnected with the person who was my first high school friend and my best friend for 6 years. Neither of us really know why the friendship ended, other than it was to do with the interference of other people creating typical high school drama.

A whole 7 years had gone by since we last spoke which is a crazy amount of time but as soon as I saw my Instagram friend request from her, it put a smile on my face and just felt like the right time to get back in touch because even after all these years, I missed our friendship.

The best part is having someone you can say "oh my god remember when..." which is something I really missed and struggled with when creating new friendships at university and trying to form new friendships in the UK. Don't get me wrong, I know that one day you will be able to say those things with your new friends and the friendship has to start somewhere but high school memories are one of a kind.

We finally talked on the phone tonight - annoying time difference between England and Australia! - and both started the conversation laughing about being nervous to speak to each other after such a long time. After 30 seconds had gone by though, we were our 18 year old selves, laughing about the same things we always did and recounting stories and memories. It felt weird being asked "how's your life been the last 7 years?" because it really didn't feel like we ever lost touch. It's amazing that now we are in our mid twenties we can cheer each other on through the next phase of our lives.

What I'm trying to say in a very rambly way is that the people who are meant to be in your life will find a way back there. If there is someone you miss or you feel you need in your life and they're most importantly healthy for your life and not toxic, reach out to them. Friendships can change and develop and also be exactly the same as they used to be. And it's great.

Until next post,

Amy x

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